Who will you inspire?
What made you choose maths?
Did you have a teacher or a friend who got you excited about a maths problem? Maybe a sibling or parent who told you how great it was studying maths at university? Or maybe you met somebody whose story opened your eyes to a career you had never considered before?
A CHOOSEMATHS Mentor is somebody who can make a huge difference to somebody’s life.
A mentor is somebody who has been there before us. Somebody who convinces us that we are good enough and that we can do whatever we put our minds to. A mentor is somebody who helps us climb the next step of the ladder. A mentor is somebody who we trust and whose experiences and wisdom we value.
Currently only 20% of girls are choosing mid-level mathematics in Year 12, dropping to a mere 6 per cent choosing advanced/specialist mathematics. The trend continues at university, with only a quarter of Australian mathematics undergraduates being female. Clearly we need to work hard to inspire young women to believe in the joy and importance of mathematics, and who better to do that than somebody who has already chosen maths?
CHOOSEMATHS is looking for enthusiastic individuals to join our new mentoring program and turn around the perception of mathematics among high school girls. If you have a background in mathematics, be that as a university student, a researcher, or somebody using mathematics in the workplace, then you have what it takes to be a mentor and change somebody’s life.
What does mentoring involve?
As a CHOOSEMATHS mentor you would work with a group of ten girls in Years 9-10, talking about your experiences of mathematics and answering questions they may have about mathematics in school, university and beyond.
Mentoring takes place within ‘circles’, so you would be joined in your group by 3 or 4 other mentors. This way the high school students will see a variety of experiences and opinions, while you will yourself benefit from being part of a support network of other mathematics professionals.
Each circle meets for ten mentoring sessions over the year, taking place online using the web platform Zoom. These are typically over lunchtimes for 30-40 minutes each. Each mentor is expected to attend at least half of the sessions. Mentor training is provided.
How do I apply?
To let us know about your interest in our mentoring program, fill out the expression of interest form below. Once we have your details, we will send you an information pack and a registration form. If you are still interested in taking part, send this form back to us as soon as possible and we will let you know if you have been accepted onto the program.
Sending us an expression of interest now will not commit you to anything, so go ahead and find out more!

Register your expression of Interest
Expressions of interest for the 2019 Mentor program has now closed. Thank you for your interest in the program.